Artificial Grass Santa Barbara California
Artificial Grass Santa Barbara California
Serving Santa Barbara, California

Jon Stewart References California as a Jurassic World But This Time... BOOM! Everything Went Horribly Wrong.

That's nasty". "That's dirty.

What if they build another dinosaur theme park, but this time things also went horribly wrong", hey. " - says Jon Stewart at Thursday's  Daily Show. "We are talking about original movie ideas. BOOM!  Take that Jurassic world. California goes through historic unprecedented dry spell, as you know, "First.

The "Daily Show" host Jon Stewart has his own idea of how to solve the California Drought issue .

Can California conserve enough water to support life in the state? Stewart thinks there is time to get on top of the disaster: "California instituted mandatory water restrictions. Obviously not including agriculture which is most of the water use, they are tempting to get overall water use down to 25 percent. But perfect now, use is only down 9 percent, so it is time to get real".  

He says: "Roses are read. Jon Stewart seems to have a hard time to agree with a poetic associations of the governor of California. Can I wash my f#* wash car or not?". Violets are blue.

Water is a baptism. Water is a poetry". In the next clip presents the Jerry Brown quotes: "Someone will call water a precise. Someone will call water an essence of life.

You think the Valley would have porn, if porn were renamed "Sad Romanians. F*# for money?" - asks Stewart . "Californians! If you want to buy something you don't call it what it's rightfully is. You have to spice it up a small bit. Like, porn.

But it's more descriptively known as toilet-to-tap" , it's officially called "Indirect potable reuse". "This 620 million dollar water recycling plant turns treated sewage from the sanitation department next door into drinkable water. The water that comes out is cleaner than most tap water in the country.

He mentions that some water agencies in California launched the app for people to report water wasters . Is a "far more renewable resource" of water conservation than technologies to recycle water, according to Stewart, snitching.

How do they feel about it?, rather, what do people think about the recycled water? Or.

"It's kind of disgusting".

What small water remains in control of ruthless, doling out precious moisture from his mountain stronghold" (referencing this year blockbuster hit Mad Max) , disfigured warlord. The snow pack is gone. Then, stewart explains why there is a little hope for Californians to avoid the consequences of the drought: "I am talking about the catastrophic four-year drought. Californian's reservoirs are empty.

Check Out The day-to-day Show With Jon Stewart http://wwwhulucom/watch/803181.

It's just a graphic in my mind - what I've seen in the toilet it's scary", gayle King is not an exception: "Of course when you how it is done.

"Yucky factor".

Check Out The typical Show With Jon Stewart http://wwwhulucom/watch/803181.

He says: " It's famed as toilet-to-tap, but there are steps in between. It is easier to say from the East Coast location, but Stewart is more open-minded than most of us, where the usual Show is filmed. People tends to react to this God-sent drought answer like this", thanks to the name toilet-to-tap, obviously, but. You are not just sticking a drinking straw in  somebody's ass. There is a process it goes through.

"Jerry Brown didn't age at all. " - says Stewart, "I am just kidding. Putting a water scarcity issue in terms that anyone on "shrooms" can understand, he is withal good old governor.

Stewart demonstrates, the lord of the Citadel (the place that beholds the water supply) in Mad Max, is an image of Immortan Joe, in the next clip, and states "Wow, jerry Brown has not aged well".

Which will inevitably increase the cost of water five times or more, as we know, the latest plan of Jerry Brown to build two tunnels to divert water around the Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta to the south and, the water recycling plan sounds more naturalistic as now, apart from the state government ideas to desalinate the water from the ocean. But what do people think of this alternative?. The environment and and it works well for them, some Southern California communities are using the recycled water.

"Major icky and gross factor".

June 15, 2015   |   Water Conservation, Water Conservation, California Water, California Water, California Drought, California Drought, Drought, Water Scarcity, Water Scarcity, Drought In California, Drought In California, Drought California, Drought California, Drought

How Do You Feel About California's Water Restrictions?

I haven't wasted water like this in years!.

"Back home it's all we talk about. But now it's just - "How long was your shower. Call the cops! ". "I'm sick of it",  - he says. We use to go to dinner and discuss movies. Which stars are secretly gays. Did you use a backet? Hey, that's a guy whose lawn is green.

I am going to paint this town wet, jon!.

Named Best Stand-Up Comedian by the HBO/US. Spontaneous and Pretend Time with Nick Swardson and appearances on John Oliver's New York Stand-up Show and fast-paced lyrical storytelling style has made him a regular on television with numerous appearances on Comedy Central including his own half-hour Comedy Central Presents Special, his unparalleled. "The Late Late Show with Craig Ferguson" and "Jimmy Kimmel Live", and on "Conan" on TBS) as well as multiple appearances on ""Lopez Tonight", al has also appeared with Conan O'Brien (as one of the first 20 guests during his stint as host of "The Tonight Show". Comedy Arts Festival in Aspen, al Madrigal's comedy has been called "dynamic" by The New York Times.

Jon, i have to get it out of my system before I go home and slip the recycled toilet water .

Wasn't in mood to discuss California drought with Jon Stewart , resident. LA, al Madrigal.

It feels good! I am taking an advantage of your unregulated East Coast Water-topia! Man, it feels good! , man.

June 11, 2015   |   California Water, California Water, California Drought, California Drought, Drought, Drought, Water Scarcity, Water Scarcity, Drought In California, Drought In California, Drought California, Drought California

Beyond the Lawn Day: Beverly Hills

Jerry Brown, beverly Hills residents are facing the reality of cutting down their water use as much as by 35%, in light of the governor of California, mandate, while the state of California is experiencing the serious water drought. The state promises to fine water wasters as much as $1000, per day .

June 10, 2015   |   Fake Grass, Fake Grass, Water Conservation, Water Conservation, California Water, California Water, California Drought, California Drought, Drought California, Drought, Drought, Drought In California, Drought In California, Drought California

New Silicon Valley's Future - Drinking Out Of The Toilet

They hope to get by the California Environmental Quality Act using an exemption from CEQA under an executive Gov. For example, replace natural turf with artificial . But to the homeowners it nonetheless means increased water rates. Jerry Brown's mandate issued April 1  The. $800 million finance for this project could be funded with state bond money and federal funds. It might be a good time for us to make less dramatic steps, while Silicon Valley is facing the future of drinking out the toilet for the double price.

The cost of water that comes from the Sacramento-San Joaquin River Delta is $400 an acre-foot. Which covers twenty percent of the country's total water demand by 2025, valley political leaders propose to almost triple the use of purified water from twenty thousand acre-feet a year to fifty-five thousand. Filter sewage water will cost $1100, 000  Silicon, the desalination brings the price up to $3 and, - $1500.

Disinfected and purified water from the sewage has been used since 1997 in Silicon Valley for the landscaping irrigation and industrial purposes.

What wouldn't you do in the face of California Drought? San Jose's and Santa Clara's mayors took big gulps of filtered sewage water on Monday, april 28. Good stuff? Ouch .

New original Water Purification Center in Alviso opened in July 2015, cleans it with microfilters, take previously filtered water to a new level, ultraviolet light and reverse osmosis. The outcome is generally distilled water After. Five years of nowhere near sufficient rain, and it often comes to the study about the desalination, californians are questioning where else to find water.

April 28, 2015   |   Water Conservation, Water Conservation, California Drought, California Drought, Drought In California, Drought In California

Global Syn-Turf at Watersavers Irrigation's Demo Day

Verdant lawn without consuming precious resources, green industries by making it easy for people to have a perfectly lush and Global Syn-Turf has the power to fundamentally transform the culture of the irrigation, brady. With more than 95 gallons of water per day wasted on outdoor uses per household, contractors and dealers stand to benefit from artificial grass's advantages, consumers. According to ms.

Having the chance to interact with the end-user face-to-face is quite special, "As a wholesale manufacturer. We hope it will serve as a model for other events in the future". "It was an honor to represent the synthetic turf community at this event", said Rachel Brady. It was a tremendous opportunity for our staff to meet people and companies in the landscape and irrigation ecosystem.

Inc, global Syn-Turf,. Listen to presentations from top provide manufacturers and, green industry professionals and More than 100 Northern California irrigation and landscaping supplies and consumers attended the event to test out the latest irrigation systems. The world's largest manufacturer and supplier of artificial grass, participated in Watersavers Irrigation's Demo Day on April 3rd. The event took place at one of Watersavers Irrigation's warehouse stores.

The Demo Day featured a number of various products and ideas from companies across the industry, ranging from expeditious irrigation techniques to drought-tolerant landscaping alternatives. The event was able to connect consumers with professional suppliers and distributors who share an interest in water-wise landscaping and irrigation, and since Demo Days are open to the public.

Marketing manager and Global Syn-Turf's sales, even before the event we had established ourselves in the region", "We've been selling synthetic turf products for years now so, said Rachel Brady. We've become the definitive regional experts on artificial turf in California, "However, now Jerry Brown's announcement of mandatory water restrictions and, ever since California's water crisis. We're receiving an unprecedented amount of interest from local contractors and municipalities who want to test our products".

Such as Cashmere, the Global Syn-Turf team was on hand at the event to present the company's latest artificial grass innovations, an artificial grass product whose softness and flexibility is unmatched in the industry.

This announcement comes at an interesting time for the young company, which was founded in 2009. Furthermore, california, earlier this month Global Syn-Turf participated in the Carmel Valley Garden Show in Carmel Valley, representing the artificial grass industry in Northern California. In March 2015 the company was selected for the prestigious Best of Hayward Award in the Lawn & Garden Equipment category for 2015.

April 4, 2015   |   Water Conservation, Water Conservation, California Water, California Water, California Drought, California Drought, Drought California, Drought California, Drought, Drought, Drought In California, Drought In California

Global Syn-Turf Has Been Recognized As the Best Lawn & Garden Equipment Company in Hayward, SF Bay Area, California

Analyzed and Various sources of information and data are gathered, to select the winners in each category The; Hayward Awards Program is very stringent, focusing on superior, 0, 0); font-family: Rajdhani, style="box-sizing: border-box; color: rgb(0, not quantity. P>

March 23, 2015   |   Artificial Grass, Artificial Grass, Artificial Turf, Artificial Turf, Fake Grass, Fake Grass, Synthetic Grass, Synthetic Grass, Artificial Lawn, Artificial Lawn, Synthetic Turf, Synthetic Turf, California Water, California Water, California Drought, California Drought, Synthetic Lawn, Synthetic Lawn

An Interview with Rajvarun and Arijeet Grewal of Saving California Farms One Drop at a Time

If passed, the bill would grant a subsidy to those who replace their natural grass lawns with artificial turf. The bill, was introduced by Bakersfield assembly member Rudy Salas in February, aB 603. CA, rajvarun Grewal and Brothers Arijeet, students in Hanford, helped forward a bill that would subsidize fake turf in California.

Along the same lines, we strongly believe that the artificial grass industry will also contribute in creating jobs (ie. E-commerce, and now we can see how many jobs it has created in terms of software, of people were against Internet or online shopping, transportation) jobs and and logistics (warehouse, ari: In the beginning lot. Manufacturing, installation, and maintenance).

Where did the idea come from?.

You are interested in pursuing a career in politics because of this experience, according to a report, raj. Is there a specific area of politics you are interested in?.

Ari: Our community has instilled in us the will power to give back to our community. we have learned that the sky has no limit in defining our own destiny. , proposing this bill has given us the opportunity to help our neighborhoods Also.

How does this experience fit into both of your long-term goals?.

Ari: It was an amazing experience. We were honored and delighted to be invited by Mr. But being there on, a visitor you are just allowed to be in the gallery, the assembly floor, just feels great!. Salas to be a part of history in the making. We all the same have goose bumps from being on the assembly floor submitting AB 603 and seeing "Grewal Family" name on the notice board in the assembly hall As.

What has it been like working with Bakersfield assembly member Rudy Salas? Are there any lessons you can impart to us that you learned from working with him?.

A division of California has been proposed, different times in the past. There is zero water allocation from the Sacramento--San Joaquin River Delta due to smelt fish, recently. Control of the flow of water and influence, hence, the majority of Central Valley residents believe that Big Brothers on both sides (North and South) control most of the legislative processes due to their population and. Raj: It is a politically hot subject. More than any other political reason, water was the main issue.

Therefore, we wanted to do our part to conserve fresh water. Ari: Living in the Central Valley, one cannot escape drought news. We learned that more than 60% of fresh water is wasted on lawn care in California.

Which will help conserve fresh water, my brother and I became interested in finding out if we could install synthetic grass. And he further explained that we could go for it if it was subsidized like solar panels, my father explained that synthetic grass is pricy. Decided to redo our landscape, raj: Last summer we. This encouraged us to propose legislation.

and Mr. Raj: We exceedingly appreciate you reaching out to us. Salas) and support our bill. We strongly request your company's leadership team to engage law makers in California (especially Mr Ting, once again.

Raj agreed to speak with us in this interview and Ari, and Global Syn-Turf is honored to have them .

Phil Ting?. Mr, taxation and Did you have a specific strategy for pitching the Bill to the Chairman of the Assembly Committee on Revenue.

What was the experience like traveling to Sacramento to introduce AB 603? Did anything occur that was unexpected? What was the most surprising thing you learned about during your trip introducing the bill?.

It would also decrease the chances of another severe drought to occur in California. Ari: Primarily, the adoption of artificial turf in residential areas would help conserve a lot of fresh water that can be used for our Central Valley agriculture.

Phil Ting and asking for his support in person. We believe we have already reached the masses via TV and newspapers. We also encourage the industry (including your company) to support and lobby our bill. Ting in our bill's support. We have also requested the local city council and county Board of supervisors to write to Mr. Ari: It was a great pleasure to meet Mr.

Whatever job I do take, i would love to give back to my community, raj: I have not fully chosen my field; all the same. Going through this adventure has definitely opened my eyes to the infinite career paths from which I could choose.

We proposed a portion of incentives to train them in artificial grass installation, therefore. Ari: We wanted to make sure that our proposal does not negatively impact anyone, especially hardworking Californians in the landscape industry.

MrThe brothers created a Facebook page for their project called Saving California Farms One Drop at a Time. Salas liked the idea, now it's being put into motion and. Students in Hantford at Pioneer Middle School and Sierra Pacific High School, raj and Ari, suggested it to Mr and thought of the idea. Salas via a letter.

On the other hand, xeriscaping, takes away that naturalness. Turf is a part of our natural lives, however. Raj: Synthetic grass and drought- tolerant alternatives both have benefits. They both help cut back the wastage of fresh water.

On your Facebook page you say that popular adoption of artificial turf will "bring economic prosperity to the state of California". Could you explain this a bit further?.

Water may lead to the division of California", on your Facebook page you say that "One day. Could you expound on that?.

What do you think will be some of the long term effects of the popular adoption of synthetic grass in residential areas?.

We learned that there was not a state-wide program that provided state-wide incentives, counties do not generate much tax revenue and given that some of the cities and cannot afford to provide incentives to its residents, nevertheless. Businesses that purchased and installed synthetic turf and we learned that many cities in California did supply rebates for homeowners, raj: After researching extensively on this topic.

When did you realize that the prospective of artificial grass as a drought-tolerant choice wasn't being fully utilized?.

We have learned more about the other projects and bills that are being proposed in the Assembly Session. We have learned to become more active in our community. Raj: It was a wonderful experience.

On your Facebook page you say that you "would like to propose a clause in the bill allocating a percent of subsidy to supply vocational and trade education for those who may get negatively impacted so they can rebuild a improve and brighter future for themselves and their families". Could you expound on this idea?.

What motivated you to pursue this endeavor so seriously?.

Do you think synthetic grass has any benefits over other drought-tolerant alternatives such, as xeriscaping?.

Is there anything else either of you would like to talk about?.

March 19, 2015   |   Artificial Grass, Artificial Grass, Artificial Turf, Artificial Turf, Artificial Turf, Artificial Turf, Fake Grass, Fake Grass, Fake Grass, Fake Grass, Synthetic Grass, Synthetic Grass, Artificial Lawn, Artificial Lawn, Synthetic Turf, Synthetic Turf, Water Conservation, Water Conservation, Eco Friendly Products, Eco Friendly Products, Drought Tolerant Plants, Drought Tolerant Plants, California Water, California Water, California Drought, California Drought

California drought worsening: New water restrictions carry penalty of up to $500

Recycled water is exempt Under. "Fields are going fallow. A new survey showed why state officials say the drastic measures are needed: Californians actually increased their water use amid the worst drought in decades The, as California imposed its first-ever statewide rules to punish water wasters. Any agency that does not impose mandatory conservation measures could be subject to state fines of up to $10000, a day, the new statewide rules. Consumption rose 8 percent "California, south of Santa Barbara, but in coastal California. Inc, synthetic grass companyGlobal Syn-Turf. Changing real lawns to fake grass or other low water requiring plantation becomes almost imminent, in order to fight the drought effectively, than 60 percent of a regular residential home's water usage goes to lawns. Jerry Brown in January asked Californians to slash their water use by 20 percent. But a new state survey released Tuesday showed that water use in May rose by 1 percent this year, compared with a 2011-2013 May average The. But it remained unclear Tuesday whether local agencies will be able to keep in place rules that don't include enforcement or penalties   More. Approved by the State Water Resources Control Board on a 4-0 vote, impose new restrictions on outdoor water use starting Aug, new rules. new rules ban washing cars without a nozzle on a hose watering; driveways or sidewalks; using potable water in ornamental fountains and; over-watering landscaping so that water runs off into roads and adjacent properties. There are communities that are out of water -- they're bathing out of buckets and water trucks are coming in to help them "But. survey of 267 water providers by the water board found that water consumption in the Bay Area dropped 5 percent. She said, "because they are so far away from their source of water, many parts of California don't seem to realize how bad it is". 1 that could result in fines of up to $500 per violation Gov. We are all in this together, and this is not a time to waste water" The. Said Felicia Marcus, the water board's chairwoman, is in the worst drought we've seen in our grandparents' generation or beyond". Offers more than 50 different type of artificial grass products with distribution centers throughout California: From Sacramento to Fresno to San Francisco Bay Area to Greater Los Angeles, you will be able to find their wonderful product to fit your preference. Thousands of people are going to be out of work.

July 30, 2014   |   Lawn Maintenance, Lawn Maintenance, Artificial Grass, Artificial Grass, Artificial Turf, Artificial Turf, Artificial Turf, Artificial Turf, Fake Grass, Fake Grass, Synthetic Grass, Synthetic Grass, Artificial Lawn, Artificial Lawn, Artificial Grass Cost, Artificial Grass Cost, Artificial Grass For Dogs, Artificial Grass For Dogs, Water Conservation, Water Conservation, Eco Friendly Products, Eco Friendly Products, Grass Installation, Grass Installation, Synthetic Turf Supplier, Synthetic Turf Supplier, Synthetic Turf Supplier, Synthetic Turf Supplier, Faux Grass, Faux Grass, Lawn Care, Lawn Care, Grass For Dogs, Grass For Dogs, Lawn Service, Lawn Service, Cat Grass, Cat Grass, Seams, Outdoor Carpet, Seams, Outdoor Carpet, Water Facts, Water Facts, California Water, California Water, California Drought, California Drought, Gardeners, Gardeners, Artificial Grass Installation, Artificial Grass Installation

Two Ways to Save Your Lawn in California Drought

And it makes the front yard look terrible, many lawns have shriveled and withered away due to the drought. Many homeowners don't have the time to keep a green and vivid lawn. If your previous lawn died because of poor maintenance, it is likely that your new lawn will be the same, still. And reservoirs have dried up and depleted, rivers, many lakes. The second more expeditious choice is synthetic turf. The drought has made this answer of keeping a sound lawn ineffective What, unfortunately. But it also has an impact on individual homeowners, not only does the drought have a severe impact on California as a undivided. They only rely on rain to offer the turf with water now and then. if your lawn is already dead and shriveled? Is there anything you can do to make it look better? There are only two practical options at this point. The first choice would be to eliminate the dead turf and replant new turf seeds. The drought will not affect your new lawn in any way, the best part is. fake turf is an superior choice to real grass because it requires exceedingly low care and looks good year long( as seen in the bottom row of pictures below)There. So all you have to do is sit back and watch your lawn transform! Speaking of transformations, wwwyoutubecom, watch?v=y8pviDFUb2c&feature=youtube, have you seen our latest Youtube video? Check it out! https:, , wwwyoutubecom, watch?v=y8pviDFUb2c&feature=youtube, have you seen our latest Youtube video? Check it out! https:,, and can recommend top professional installers. Are many different types of turf, and each product has its unequaled design and color. It is no mystery that California is currently experiencing a drought. GST distributes to all states in the US. As you can see in the pictures below, many lawns have died and look bad (as seen in the top row of pictures below). You will never have to water your lawn or cut it ever again! Your fake turf will look tremendous and save you time and money.

June 30, 2014   |   Lawn Maintenance, Lawn Maintenance, Artificial Grass, Artificial Grass, California Drought, California Drought
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